Resend emails

Email Center - View email content and resend

You can resend an individual email that has a status of Bounced or Invalid. You can also resend bounced emails in bulk.

Once an email has been resent, its Status changes to Pending and the Date Sent is updated.

You can use the Recently Bounced Emails widget on your CCH iFirm dashboard to see the 10 most recent emails with a status of Bounced.

To resend an individual email:

  1. Click Settings > Email Center to access your emails.
  2. Click the row of the email you want to open and view.
  3. Click Resend.
  4. Edit the email address, if it is invalid or you want to send it to someone else
  5. Click Resend.

If you are resending an email that had an invalid email address, you must correct the address during the resend process.

To resend emails in bulk:

  1. Click the Bounced tab.
  2. Select the check boxes of the emails you want to resend.
  3. Click Resend, then click Yes to confirm.
See Also:

View email contents

About the Email Center